Randki Dla Pogańskich Singli to źródło miłości
Randki Dla Pogańskich Singli to źródło miłości

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Darcin Informacje o Profilu

Haven't practiced in years, need to cont
Wiek 58 Z Nampa, Idaho - Online - Ponad 2 tygodni temu
Mężczyzna Szukam Kobieta

Podstawowe Informacje

Znam Następujące Języki Obce  
Widzę siebie jako osobę  
Learned about my abilities when I was 5 yrs old. Had a long talk with my uncle. He told me of things I shouldn't have known and others i couldn't have known. He had passed a year prior.
I've seen a quite a bit over the years.
The two most memorable ones;
A white circle of light, moon was hidden by trees and I couldn't cast a shadow with it or on it. I still kick myself for not entering.
Had a nonbeliever (my father) with me. It scared him so much, he didn't talk to me for three days.
Using a medium, I talked with a gentleman- now the fun part;
The medium smoked ultra light cigarettes, she choaked on others. and if you gave her a glass of wine, she would take her clothes off and dance on tables. Ok an exaggeration, but you get the idea.
This was our second encounter with him and I had brought what was asked for. Non filtered cigarettes and whiskey.
He came in and took one of the cigarettes. As soon as it was lit, the medium's eyes changed from a pretty blue to sh°°t brown .
Remember she's a cheap drunk, "she" killed most of the bottle and neither that or the cigarettes fazed her a bit.
That's a tiny bit of my history, now for me.
Went fishing , my exwife really wanted to go with me. I said no..
I rolled over, saw her and said good morning... A week had passed and I was in ICU. A couple of days passed, my father was visiting and noticed the left side went slack. I was having a stroke.
It took about 8 months to learn how to walk again and a year and a half to talk without a stutter.
Left side i either feel numb or extreme pain. And inadvertently, it doesn't want to work.
That was one of the reasons stated when 27years walked out the door.
I didn't care about anything at that point. My teeth (what's left) prove that.
Met someone, things were good but the same reason came up again..
Another 4years shot to he'll.
Now it's just me. I have a dog but, she can't stay with me 🥲 so she's with my ex girlfriend. I go up and visit but I want her back.
Because my world crashed for the second time and I'm in a place I can sorta practice, I'm starting again. I can still read and see fairly well but I have yet to find a place that's "hot" so I can brush away the cobwebs and truly recharge.
The ocean did it for me.
So there you have it;
A stroke survivor that partially works has really bad teeth and who used the wrong glue and his hair is sliding off the back.
If anything, I'm hoping for more than a definite maybe to quell my physical desires. If it turns out we can fulfill each other's emotional desires also, it sounds like wonderful path to walk hand in hand

Wrote this when I was 16:
Fate and destiny
Walk hand in hand
Dealing out the cards of life
It's taken me this long to
Realize that they've been
Dealing me nothing but

Ok ladies enough is enough! You brought me to this site, why? To make up for the jokers?
I hope so and i know anything is possible.

Yes, I used to write a lot but, that seems like a lifetime ago.
And yes I did write the poem at 16. Unfortunately it fits the years gone by better than it did then
I hope you enjoyed it as well as the banter with the ladies afterwards
I was struck by a writing mood and that's what came out. Message writing mood to show your real

Wygląd & Sytuacja

Mój typ budowy  
Mój wzrost  
6' 2 (188 cm)
Moje pochodzenie  
Budowa Ciała  
Nawet Bym o Tym Nie Rozmawiał
Moje Włosy Są  
Ciemny Blond
Mam Jedną Lub Więcej Z Tych Rzeczy  
Jestem Skłonny Do Przeprowadzki  

Więcej na temat jego

Jak długo jesteś Poganinem?  
Więcej niż 3 Lata
Chcesz umawiać się z kimś, kto ma odmienne przekonania religijne?  
Gdzie stałeś się Poganinem?  


Mój Aktualny Stan Zatrudnienia To  
Pełen Etat
Moja Specjalność To  
Mój Tytuł Zawodowy To  
Tyle Zarabiam Rocznie  
od $15,000USD do $29,999USD
Ze Współlokatorami
W Domu  
Wszystko Jest w Porządku
Jestem Palaczem  
Tak - Próbuję Rzucić
Piję Alkohol  
Tak - Towarzysko


W Liceum Byłem Uważany Za  
Moje Zachowanie Społeczne Jest  
Obserwujący, Antyspołeczny
Moje Zainteresowania I Hobby To  
Czytanie, Sztuka & Rękodzieło, Uczenie Się, Gry, Gotowanie, Wędkarstwo/Łowiectwo
Mój Pomysł Na Dobrze Spędzony Czas To  
Wyjście Do Muzeum
Idealna Pierwsza Randka To  
Drinking wine on the beach (perfectly calm, clear night)under a full moon listening to the whales sing...
Note; listening to whales singing while on the beach is not some sort of made up fantasy. It is completely possible.
I've listened before
Moi Znajomi Opisują Mnie Jako Osobę  


Moja Religia To  
Mój Cel Życiowy To  
Find a soulmate, start a business, build my own house
Mój Rodzaj Humoru To  
Skrępowany, Oschły/Sarkastyczny, Przyjacielski, Chłop Ze Wsi

Gust, Smak

W Telewizji Zawsze Oglądam  
Dokumentalne, Komedie Sytuacyjne, Chciałbym Mieć Telewizor, Powtórki
Kiedy Słucham Muzyki, Zawsze Słucham  
Rock, Metal, Klasyczna, New Age
Gdy Czytam Zawsze Sięgam Po  
Wiadomości, Fantastyczne, Dom & Ogród, Instruktażowe, Religijne, Naukowe, Fantastyka


Co Jest Dla Ciebie Atrakcyjne?  
Śmiałość, Wrażliwość, Empatia, Poczucie Humoru, Atrakcyjny Wygląd, Inteligencja, Pasywność
Czego Szukasz?  
Note sure anymore
Hey, it's honest
Jakiego Szukasz Związku?  
Przyjaciel, Randka, Intymny, Oddany