Seznamka svobodných pohanů, přirozená láska
Seznamka svobodných pohanů, přirozená láska

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Do you think you're ready for all this?
Věk 55 z Chatham, Illinois - - Online Nyní
Muž Hledám A Žena


Křestní jméno  
Sebe bych popsal(a) jako  
Hi there. First, let me be honest and tell you that I have a disability. I have cerebral palsy and use a power wheelchair. It only affects my muscles because they sometimes spasm and don't allow me to do everything I would like. I still function like any other man in all the ways that count. What I lack in physical ability, I make up for in imagination, creativity, and sensuality--if you know what I mean.

I have two master's degrees and am interested in politics, which is not a smart thing to say when describing myself on a singles website. :-) I have many other interests, though, including music, poetry, writing, and movies among many different things. I am ready for a serious, long-term relationship, and I am waiting for the right woman to come along and join me for this wild ride. Let's go!

Vzhled a situace

Má postava je  
Má výška je  
1,83 m
Barva mých očí  
Můj původ je  
Můj rodinný stav je  
Nikdy jsem nebyl ženatý nebo vdaná
Mám děti  
Chci děti  
Nejsem si jist(a)
Mou nejlepší částí je  
Body Art  
Strategicky umístěné tetování
Barva mých vlasů  
Mám jedno nebo více z uvedených  
Žádní domácí mazlíčci
Ochotný/ochotná se přestěhovat  

Více o mu

Jak dlouho jsi již paganem?  
3+ let
Randil(a) bys s někým, kdo má jiné náboženské vyznání?  
Nejsem si jist(a)
Byl(a) jsi vychován(a) jako pagan?  


Má úroveň vzdělání je  
Vysokoškolské vzdělání
Můj současný stav zaměstnání je  
Osoba samostatně výdělečně činná
Mé zaměření je  
Politika / Vláda
Název mého zaměstnání je  
Freelance Writer/Blogger/Content Creator
To si vydělám za rok  
$30,000USD až $44,999USD
Se spolubydlícím/i
Přátelé občas přijdou
Jsem kuřák  
Ano - jedno nebo dvě


Na střední škole jsem byl/a  
Mé společenské chování je  
Rezervované, Opatrné, Přátelská osoba, Komické, Tajemné, Zvláštní
Mé zájmy a koníčky jsou  
Náboženství / spiritualita, Rodina, Cvičení, Rodina, Sportovní, Vzdělávání, Hudba, TV, Filmy, Internet, Hraní karet, Gambling, Dobrovolnictví, Počítače
Má představa skvěle stráveného času je  
Potloukat se s přáteli, Zůstat doma, Vyzkoušet nové věci, Filmy, Relax, Kluby / bary, Jít do kasina, Jít na koncert, Jít do muzea
Ideální první rande by bylo  
My concept of an ideal first date is to go out for coffee or drinks, but coffee is a better choice. It gives the two of us a chance to talk and learn more about each other without the hassle and machinations of a dinner date. Having dinner together on the first date puts unnecessary pressure on both people to act a certain way and not be comfortable in such a "formal" situation.

After having coffee, we can move forward and perhaps see a movie or go to a bookstore if we both want that. Of course, we could do whatever we chose. Whether it's laid-back or something more exciting, if we both enjoy it, nothing is off-limits.
Vždy jsem chtěl/a vyzkoušet  
I have always wanted to try skydiving. I know there is a way to do it even if you have a disability. The feeling of the wind smashing against your body and spinning you in every possible direction is an experience I would treasure for a lifetime if not longer. Then, to see the sky and clouds whipping by you after you open the parachute is a thrill I'm sure I could never express in words. It's on my bucket list, and I will do it before I leave this body.
Moji přátelé mě popisují jako  
Přátelská osoba, Potížista, V pohodě, Prostopášná osoba, Temný, Flirtující


Mé náboženství je  
Navštěvuji bohoslužby  
Můj životní cíl je  
My goal in life is to be a published author of several books. I know I have a trilogy inside me, simply scratching my brain to come out and get on paper or Microsoft Word in this case. :-) I have published short stories, but that is different from having your name on a book that is on sale at Amazon.

Another goal I have is to get involved in politics, though behind the scenes. I would never want to be a politician because I'm not capable of the exponential number of lies required for the job. I would rather work behind the scenes and help "make the sausage," as they say regarding the creation of legislation.

Those goals might not sound sexy, but they sound amazing to me. I admit to being a nerd, but I am a fun nerd, and you would have a fun time around me. I promise you that.
Můj smysl humoru je  
Chytrý, Suchý / sarkastický, Temný, Prostopášná osoba


V TV vždy sleduji  
Zprávy, Dokumenty, Filmy, Sportovní
Když se dívám na filmy, vždy sleduji  
Akční, Horror, Thriller, Pro dospělé
Když poslouchám hudbu, pak vždy poslouchám  
Rock, Metal, Blues, Jazz, Ambient, Soul, Folk
Když čtu, tak nejraději čtu  
Antologie, Fantasy, Fikce, Historie, Horror, Humor, Mysteriózní, Filozofické, Politické, Poezie, Náboženské, Science fiction, Jsem autor(ka), Erotické, Nadpřirozeno
Má představa zábavy je  
I have several ideas of what is fun. I enjoy a nice dinner at an upscale restaurant as much as I relish watching a game at a local sports bar. I savor a quality beer almost as much as I delight in a fine whiskey.

I love music especially when it's live. Rock concerts are some of my favorite activities. However, I also like watching a jazz band playing in the park. I have a wide array of tastes in music.

My favorite hobbies include writing, reading horror novels, watching movies, singing (though I'm no good at it), and engaging in thoughtful conversation. Questions like this are difficult for me. When you think you have listed everything, something else pops into your mind afterward. Still, these activities are my ideas of fun.


Co považuješ za atraktivní?  
Důvtip, Koketnost, Zvláštnosti, Citlivost, Empatii, Humor, Dobrý vzhled, Ohleduplnost, Inteligenci
Co hledáš?  
I would love to find a real, honest, and open-minded woman. Beauty is only skin deep, and I am more attracted to an intelligent and thoughtful person than someone who appears on the cover of Vogue. I want to meet a woman of quality. I don't mean I want someone who is polished and knows everything about life. My description of quality refers to someone who knows themselves, what they believe, and what they want in life even if they haven't achieved those things yet.

I hope some of this makes sense. I'm not trying to be intentionally obtuse. I only find it difficult to describe my ideal person because I am unsure if she is real. Likely, she doesn't. It simply means I ask for too much from people. I am here to find love. I am not some philosophical heroine who is stoic and thinks like Marcus Aurelius. I am much more down to earth and that. Please believe me.
Jaký typ vztahu hledáš?  
Přítel, Partner na randění, Intimní, Odevzdaný/á